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Biophysical Profile (BPP)
Biophysical Profile (BPP): A Birth Injury Medical Malpractice Perspective
The Biophysical Profile (BPP) is a prenatal test to assess the well-being of a fetus. It combines ultrasound imaging and fetal heart rate monitoring to evaluate several key indicators of fetal health. This article will explore the Biophysical Profile, its history, clinical implications, and potential role in birth injury medical malpractice cases. If your baby has been injured, you may need Baltimore birth injury lawyer Mark Kopec at the Kopec Law Firm.
The BPP developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It emerged from the recognition that fetal distress could have significant consequences, including brain damage, cerebral palsy, and even death. The BPP aimed to provide a more comprehensive assessment of fetal well-being than traditional methods like non-stress tests.
Who Gets a BPP?
BPPs are typically recommended for pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies, such as:
- Pregnancies complicated by medical conditions: Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
- Advanced maternal age: Women over 35 years old.
- Multiple pregnancies: Twins, triplets, etc.
- Previous pregnancy complications: Preterm labor, fetal growth restriction, etc.
- Decreased fetal movement: Perceived by the mother.
- Suspected placental insufficiency: Conditions that limit blood and nutrient flow to the fetus.

Administration of the BPP
The BPP is typically performed by an obstetrician or a perinatologist (a specialist in high-risk pregnancies).
- Ultrasound: An ultrasound transducer is placed on the mother’s abdomen to visualize the fetus.
- Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: An electronic fetal heart rate monitor is attached to the mother’s abdomen to record the baby’s heartbeat.
Components of the BPP
The BPP assesses five parameters, each scored on a scale of 0 to 2:
- Fetal Breathing Movements: Observation of fetal breathing motions for at least 30 seconds within 30 minutes.
- Fetal Movements: Two or more discrete body movements within 30 minutes.
- Fetal Tone: One or more episodes of extension and also flexion of a fetal limb or spine.
- Amniotic Fluid Volume: Assessment of the amount of fluid surrounding the fetus.
- Non-Stress Test: Evaluation of the fetal heart rate in response to fetal movements.
Interpretation of Results
- Normal BPP: A score of 8-10 typically indicates a healthy fetus.
- Abnormal BPP: A score of 6 or less may suggest potential fetal distress and warrant further investigation or intervention.
Baltimore birth injury lawyer Mark Kopec can advise you on the results of your Biophysical Profile.
Limitations of the BPP
- False Positives: The BPP may sometimes indicate potential problems when the fetus is actually healthy.
- Operator Dependence: The accuracy of the BPP can depend on the skill and experience of the physician performing the test.
- Limited Predictive Value: While a normal BPP is reassuring, it does not guarantee a healthy outcome.
Medical Provider Actions Based on BPP Results
Based on the BPP results, the doctor may:
- Continue routine monitoring: If the BPP is normal.
- Recommend further testing: Such as another BPP, a contraction stress test, or fetal echocardiogram.
- Induce labor or perform a cesarean section: If the BPP indicates fetal distress.
Role of the Biophysical Profile in Birth Injury Cases
In birth injury cases, the BPP can play a crucial role in:
- Establishing the standard of care: Demonstrating whether the medical provider adhered to accepted medical practices in monitoring the fetus.
- Determining fetal distress: Identifying whether the medical provider recognized and responded appropriately to signs of fetal distress.
- Causation: Helping to establish a link between any alleged medical negligence and the resulting birth injury.
Next Step: Call Baltimore Birth Injury Lawyer Mark Kopec About Biophysical Profile
If you believe your child’s birth injury may be related to medical negligence, consult with an experienced medical malpractice attorney. We can review the specific facts of your case and advise you on the best course of action.
Visit our free consultation page or video. Then contact the Kopec Law Firm at 800-604-0704 to speak directly with Attorney Mark Kopec. He is a top-rated Baltimore medical malpractice lawyer. The Kopec Law Firm is in Baltimore and pursues cases throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C.